How to Cut a Round Cake

I’d better have a square cake – it’s easier than cutting a round cake.
This is the response we often get when we ask what shape cake our customer would like.
Which always perplexes us…how are you folks normally cutting a round cake?

We’re going to tell you a secret – our round cakes are made of exactly the same sponge as our square cakes!
Ok, let’s explain
When you get a slice of cake in a coffee shop, they serve a wedge of cake, a triangle shape, pizza slice or ‘Trivial Pursuit‘ piece if you will. So the thought of trying to cut a large round cake into 20 wedge shape portions is scary.

Party cakes are different
We’re not in the dessert cake business, we sell party cakes, which are served differently. Party cakes, regardless of shape or size, are cut into cubed-shaped portions.
Cutting a round cake is exactly the same as a square cake. We have put together a guide to show you how easy it is. We’ve even demonstrated this in a video!
Cake Cutting Guide
Step 1.

Remove all decorations from your cake including ribbons and toppers and dowels if it is a tiered cake.
We recommend using a serrated knife to cut.
Make sure you have a tray ready to serve.
Step 2.

From the curved edge make a straight cut across the cake from one side to the other. We use the width of the knife to determine how wide to make the cut.
Lie the knife down flat on the top of the cake, with the blunt edge of the knife on the edge of the cake. Turn the knife upright and that is where to make the cut.
Step 3.

The number of complete cuts you make will depend on the size of the cake.
We work with one full slice at a time. For the purpose of this example, this is a larger slice from the middle of the cake.
Step 4.

Lie the full slice down flat onto a chopping board.
Again using the width of the knife as a guide, cut across the slice of cake into portions.
Step 5.

Repeat this action across the full slice, cutting the same distance each time to get equal portions.
Repeat this action across each full cake slice, until the whole cake has been portioned.
Step 6.

And there you have it, it’s a piece of cake! (pun intended!)
How big you cut the pieces is up to you, we base each piece being approx. 2×1 inch for 2-layer cakes or 1×1 inch square for a 3-layer cake.
So there you go, 6 steps, easy peasy. If you want a square cake, go for it, but please don’t tell us it’s because it is easier to cut!
Here’s our video to show you how quick and easy it is to cut a round cake…
We hope this helps, if you have in questions please get in touch.