Professional Cake Maker vs Amateur Home Baker

Why should you use a professional cake maker instead of a home baker when choosing your party and wedding cakes.
Here are ten very good reasons to always book a professional…
1. Fully Insured
Why should it matter if my cake maker is insured?
- Insurance gives both parties peace of mind that should the worst happen, professional cake makers are fully insured to cover anything. See point 2 as an example
- For wedding cakes, some venues only work with reputable suppliers that hold public liability insurance.
So if Aunty Sue wants to make your wedding cake, she might not be allowed!
2. Multiple Skilled Staff
Home bakers are often a one-man-band. And while their work is often very good, if they break their arm, their child gets chicken pox or their car breaks down the day before your cake is due….what will you do then? Also if they are not fully insured, you could also lose out on a lot of money.
We employ six professional cake makers. Therefore, if one of us is on holiday, or cannot come to work for any reason, we have five more professional people able to fill in and ensure your cake is made to the best of our ability with the most skilled people.
More staff lowers the risk of something unforscene going wrong
3. Five Hygiene Rated
As a professional limited company, the local authority comes to us and regularly checks the premises. We have a 5 rating, which is the highest you can get. This means, among other things, we have strict cleaning routines, complete regular stock rotation and undertake training in food safety standards.
Can you guarantee that a home baker hasn’t let fluffy the cat in the kitchen? That their kid with a snotty nose hasn’t touched your cake? Or that they understand and adhere to strict food safety standards including knowledge about allergens and ingredients?
Unregistered home bakers are not vetted for food standards or hygiene

4. Multiple Options
Every cake maker has certain skills at which they excel more than others. Having more staff means between us we have a very high skill set.
Some home bakers will be limited in what they can achieve based on their skill set. And while we cannot make everything, with six staff and a huge array of tools available to us, we can offer more than most home bakers.
More staff = more skills
5. Highly Recommended
Make sure you go with a reputable and professional supplier, one with experience that you have seen multiple examples of their work.
We are trustworthy, and reliable and have proven our work is to a high standard as we are the preferred supplier to several local wedding venues.
Word of mouth is important! We have over 200 5-star reviews and recommendations on Social media and Google. Our work is good.
Hundreds of positive customers reviews speak for themself
6. Small and Large Events Catered for
If you want a 4, 5 or 6-tier cake, or a particularly intricate novelty design, a home baker might struggle with something this size or complexity.
We are professional cake makers with a large workspace. Our largest cake to date is 11 tiers – most amateurs will not be able to achieve this!

You have a big order? You need a large team
7. Lots of Flavours
Some home bakers will only offer vanilla or chocolate cake.
We don’t doubt they are delicious cakes, but we offer a lot more flavours if you want something extra special for your cake.
A special cake should taste as good as it looks
8. Hard Work
Cake making is not a quick job, depending on the level of decorations and the size of the cake, they can take hours and hours to make. It is hard work!
They also have to be made very close to your event date. While we have no doubt your mum makes a lovely lemon sponge, do you want her working late the night before your birthday or even wedding day? Let us take the worry and stress away so you can enjoy the build-up with your friends and family.
We are here to take the stress away
9. Delivery
Most amateur bakers will make smaller party cakes and have less experience with delivering large tiered cakes.
We know how to drive with due care to ensure your cake arrives at its destination safely. Also, having delivered to over 90 venues in our local area, most we know very well and work closely with the teams that run them.
Previous knowledge and knowhow is always a bonus

10. Everything you need in one place
We don’t just offer cakes! We also offer….
- Wedding cake consultation appointments
- Cake stand hire
- Personalised cake toppers
- Balloons
- Partyware
- Personalised sashes
- and more!
Party extras!

A lot of home bakers will be cheaper than a professional. But there is good reason, what seems like a bargain, might not always turn out to be!
Remember the old saying buy cheap, buy twice.
You must make sure you are comfortable with whoever you book your cake with. Make sure you ask questions and are happy with the standard of work from whomever you choose.