Why do custom cakes seem expensive?
Sometimes, but not too often, we get a look of shock on a customer’s face when we tell them the price for their bespoke cake. We’re not offended, as we understand that everyone has different budgets, and a custom cake is not something one buys very often!
We work with customers to help them obtain a custom cake within their budget. In this blog, we wanted to explain why custom cakes can seem expensive compared to say supermarket cakes.
In our ‘How much…’ blog we explore comparisons with similar industries to help explain why cakes can be viewed as expensive.
More than flour and eggs
We want to shed some light on the costs involved in making a cake. It’s more than just butter, flour, sugar and a few eggs. Good quality ingredients have significantly increased in price in recent years. To make a two-tier cake with 5″ and 7″ tiers, you’ll need over a dozen large eggs, three packs of butter, a kilo of flour, a kilo of sugar and a significant amount of chocolate if you want more than a classic vanilla flavour. You’ll also need buttercream to fill the cake, a cake drum for the base, a cake box, dowelling rods, wires, posy picks, ribbon, modelling materials, and electricity/gas to bake the cakes.
Supermarket cakes vs. Professionally made cakes
Some people say things like “But I can buy a cake for under £15 in a supermarket“. While that’s true, it’s like choosing between a T-shirt from Poundland or one from a designer store. You can choose something mass-produced or something unique and bespoke.
If you opt for a professional cake maker, you’ve chosen the designer option!
Supermarket cakes are mass-produced and not personalised to your specifications. They might offer “handmade” additions, but they are still not close to the individuality, quality and skills displayed in a cake made bespoke for you.
Most supermarket cakes are made on a conveyor belt in a factory. Any items placed on are often wonky or fall over in transit which gives a poor overall finish.
Also, most supermarket cakes are tiny! They are generally around 2-3” high at the most, which is a significant difference from the usual height of our cakes which is 5-8”. This height increase not only improves the overall look of a cake, but yields a greater portion size.

A supermarket unicorn cake vs a handmade bespoke unicorn cake
Cake models, figures and other costs
If you bought the ingredients for a two-tier cake, you’ll probably spend up to £30 on materials and ingredients. That’s before you even consider the time involved in baking and decorating the cake.
Making bespoke sugar models can take several hours, depending on how intricate the model is. If you want a cute jungle cake with 5 animals on, if each animal takes 30 minutes, this is 2.5 hours – just on the decoration. How much would you charge for 2.5 hours of your time? Decorating a cake is a time-consuming task that requires skill, and cake makers often work around the clock to produce something fabulous.

Additionally, there are capital costs and overheads from mixers, cutters and tools, ribbons, marketing, and equipment. Plus the time involved in learning new skills to keep our work fresh and up-to-date.
You don’t get anything at the end of it!
This is something we have heard more than once. Just because the cake is consumed, this doesn’t change the cost of making it or the amount of time and skill that has gone into producing it.
It’s true cakes get eaten…. but the same could be said if you ordered a round of beers at the bar for your mates, £4 a pint times five mates, you’ve spent £20 without having something at the end of it.
£4 per serving, is about the same amount for a bespoke cake, but often viewed very differently when you purchase something for 20+ friends in one go.
A locksmith is a skilled individual who can do something you cannot. They pick your lock in 4 minutes and say thanks so much that is £45.00 please…. You haven’t got anything at the end of it?
Luxury Item
Remember a custom bespoke cake is a luxury item. You are not obligated to have one and supermarket cakes are great if you just want something cheap and cheerful. But please don’t think you will get a handmade bespoke cake for the same price. The value of our time and skillset is going to be very different from a mass-produced factory item.

Signature Cakes
Whilst our skills as cake makers have developed, we’ve been able to develop our signature cake range which includes starbursts, photo cakes and drip cakes. These are cakes that are less detailed and time-consuming to make, so a more budget-friendly option. However, they are still hand-made by our skilled cake makers in Tamworth.
Please don’t be afraid to talk to us and let us know what you want to spend – we will advise on the best options for your budget!
Custom cakes rock!
We are not trying to be negative; we just want to give some perspective to the whole cake-making process which is both an art and a skill, that takes time to develop.
We love seeing the look on a customer’s face when they collect their cake. It’s our passion, and when you see one of our quality finished cakes, it’s all worth it.
So, if you ask an independent cake maker for a quote, you won’t get it for supermarket prices, but it will look and taste a whole lot better. Check out our reviews to see for yourself.